What forms of consultation are carried out on development applications?

    The Shire’s Local Planning Policy, provides guidance on the community consultation process for planning proposals, including proposals which require consultation, the means and duration of consultation, and the manner in which Council will keep the community informed of the decision-making process.

    This local planning policy is available here.

    How can I make a submission?

    If you wish to provide comments on a development application currently open for community consultation, the easiest way to give your feedback is online, using the online submission form on the development application page - the link is at the end of the page.

    Alternatively, you can provide your comments by email to info@sjshire.wa.gov.au, or post to Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong WA, 6123, quoting application reference number - located on the development application page.

    I have a question about a development application open for community consultation. Who can I contact?

    Please call the Shire on 08 9526 1111 and ask to speak to the assessing officer of the development application of interest to you.

    For detailed enquiries, we recommend that you contact the assessing officer to arrange a meeting time (during business hours) to discuss.

    Why are development application submissions now on Your Say SJ instead of the Shire's website?

    The Shire's online consultation hub, Your Say SJ, has been developed to host formal submissions to ensure consistency and ease for our community to connect with the Shire and provide feedback on a range of issues and projects of interest, all in the one place.