Access and Inclusion Advisory Group
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is committed to improving the physical access to our services and facilities, as well as incorporating inclusion at a participatory and service level.
To support and guide us in this area, we have developed an Access and Inclusion Advisory Group made up of Councillors, businesses representatives and community members passionate about delivering better outcomes in the space.
We have also recently launched our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 - 2028.
The Access and Inclusion Advisory Group has been operating since 2018 and aims to support the development, implementation, review and evaluation of this strategic plan.
The group also supports the Shire to form positive community partnerships and achieve the objectives of our Strategic Community Plan.
On this project page, you will find information and resources on the following:
- Advisory Group members
- Advisory Group agendas, minutes and meeting dates
- Shire plans and strategies relating to access and inclusion
- News stories on how we’re supporting and promoting access and inclusion
Be involved
We welcome your feedback, ideas and questions about access and inclusion in the Shire.
If you have a question, submit it via the “Ask a question” tab below.
We also welcome any ideas or suggestions you may have – you can submit them using the “Suggest an idea” tab below.
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is committed to improving the physical access to our services and facilities, as well as incorporating inclusion at a participatory and service level.
To support and guide us in this area, we have developed an Access and Inclusion Advisory Group made up of Councillors, businesses representatives and community members passionate about delivering better outcomes in the space.
We have also recently launched our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 - 2028.
The Access and Inclusion Advisory Group has been operating since 2018 and aims to support the development, implementation, review and evaluation of this strategic plan.
The group also supports the Shire to form positive community partnerships and achieve the objectives of our Strategic Community Plan.
On this project page, you will find information and resources on the following:
- Advisory Group members
- Advisory Group agendas, minutes and meeting dates
- Shire plans and strategies relating to access and inclusion
- News stories on how we’re supporting and promoting access and inclusion
Be involved
We welcome your feedback, ideas and questions about access and inclusion in the Shire.
If you have a question, submit it via the “Ask a question” tab below.
We also welcome any ideas or suggestions you may have – you can submit them using the “Suggest an idea” tab below.
Seeking new members for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability
Share Seeking new members for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability on Facebook Share Seeking new members for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability on Twitter Share Seeking new members for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability on Linkedin Email Seeking new members for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability linkThe Minister for Disability Services is looking for new members to join the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability (MACD).
Members are encouraged to use their existing personal and professional networks to inform endorsed research projects and contribute to the Council’s broader aims and goals. Members may also have the opportunity to represent the Council on various external disability committees.
The Council strives to reflect the diversity of the community and is inviting applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Minister also seeks people who have experience and knowledge of complex communication special needs.
Applications close at 5pm on Monday 23 September 2024. Late applications will not be accepted.
The application pack and further information can be downloaded through the link below (Including a plain English version)
Further information about the Council and its work contact Michael Dombrose, Manager Governance and Legislation at sends email) or by mobile on 0432 839 108.
WA Response to the Disability Royal Commission Released
Share WA Response to the Disability Royal Commission Released on Facebook Share WA Response to the Disability Royal Commission Released on Twitter Share WA Response to the Disability Royal Commission Released on Linkedin Email WA Response to the Disability Royal Commission Released link**The WA Government Response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation (Disability Royal Commission) was released today. Please see the response at the WA Disability Royal Commission website, we hope that you will share this with your networks.
The WA Government is accepting, in principle or accepting in part 100 of the 132 recommendations that apply to WA. The remaining 32 recommendations are being considered further, this includes consideration of responses by the Australian Government and ongoing Inquiries. Where recommendations are under further consideration and not subject to an existing timeline, the WA Government will provide an updated position as part of mid-2025 reporting.
Response to the Disability Royal Commission will bring about meaningful and lasting change to make WA a safer, more inclusive and accessible place for people with disability. Many matters raised through the Disability Royal Commission are complex and sensitive. The WA Government will undertake a considered approach in implementing the reforms and will engage with people with disability, their families and carers, and the broader community.
Recognition to all who campaigned for the establishment of the Disability Royal Commission, supported its work and provided input. The Disability Royal Commission recommendations provide an important path forward to create safer and more empowering environments for people with disability to ensure they live a life free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
**Please note this is not connected to The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale - information only
Supporting Inclusion in Early Childhood Settings Using Visual Supports
Share Supporting Inclusion in Early Childhood Settings Using Visual Supports on Facebook Share Supporting Inclusion in Early Childhood Settings Using Visual Supports on Twitter Share Supporting Inclusion in Early Childhood Settings Using Visual Supports on Linkedin Email Supporting Inclusion in Early Childhood Settings Using Visual Supports linkWanslea recently held an information session on Early Childhood Settings Using Visual Supports. Here are some useful links
- Early Childhood Intervention Australia's Inclusion is Everyone's Business Toolkit: (tip sheets on visual aids, social stories, visual schedules among others)
- Free core communication boards:
- Positive Partnership and Two Way Street videos:
- Other apps and software to explore (including free trials)
For information on Wanslea's upcoming workshops visit
NDIS Participants - Wellbeing Survey
Share NDIS Participants - Wellbeing Survey on Facebook Share NDIS Participants - Wellbeing Survey on Twitter Share NDIS Participants - Wellbeing Survey on Linkedin Email NDIS Participants - Wellbeing Survey linkNDIS participants and nominees are invited to do a survey about wellbeing.
Wellbeing is how you feel about:
- yourself
- your life
- what you feel you can do.
The NDIA and Monash University Centre for Health Economics have created a new wellbeing measure.
It assists us in understanding how NDIS participants’ wellbeing changes over time.
The wellbeing measure is developed from a set of questions that tell us how NDIS participants feel about their wellbeing.
We want to see if the new wellbeing measure works with people who:
- have different disabilities
- have different ages
- belong to different community groups.
We want to know if we can understand your wellbeing based on this new measure.
You can help us by completing this survey from Monash University Centre for Health Economics.
Things to know about the survey:
- You don’t have to do the survey.
- We will not ask you for any personal information like your name or contact details.
- Your responses will not impact your NDIS plan.
We really want to hear from people who live with a disability.
Someone can help you do the survey if you want. This could be anyone such as a friend, a support worker, a family member, a nominee or your legal guardian.
If you have a question about this research, please:
- email
- or call the NDIS National Call Centre on 1800 800 110.
This project is approved by Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC), project ID 42372 “The subjective wellbeing of people with disability in Australia”
For people who need help with English
TIS: 131 450For people who are deaf or hard of hearing
TTY: 1800 555 677Voice relay: 1800 555 727
National Relay Service:
Preparing a Pathway to Employment
Share Preparing a Pathway to Employment on Facebook Share Preparing a Pathway to Employment on Twitter Share Preparing a Pathway to Employment on Linkedin Email Preparing a Pathway to Employment linkThe National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) would like to invite young people who are supported by the NDIS, and their families and carers to attend a webinar about developing skills and paving a pathway to employment post school life.
We will discuss the NDIS-funded supports and assistance available to help young people
build skills to prepare for their transition. The webinar will cover:
• NDIS supports available to help achieve your education and employment goals.
• Preparing for your planning meeting and the resources available.
• Finding a suitable provider.
• Case studies and scenarios.
Who should attend: Students with a disability on NDIS in Years 9-12, families, carers and
education professionals.
Location: Online
This is a National event, we have listed the start and finish times in your local time zone.
Session Date Time Register
Session 1
20 Aug 2024 10am – 11am (AEST)
8am – 9am (WA)
9:30am -10am (SA/NT)
Session 2
21 Aug 2024 1pm – 2pm (AEST)
11am – 12pm (WA)
12:30pm – 1:30pm (SA/NT)
Session 3
22 Aug 2024 6pm - 7pm (AEST)
4pm – 5pm (WA)
5:30pm – 6:30pm (SA/NT)
Further sessions will be made available, please visit our events page: Latest events | NDIS
Additional information: If you have any accessibility requirements please let us know when you
register. Please note: A minimum of five business days' notice is required to book Auslan
interpreters and live captioning services.
Serpentine Dam - New Playground
Share Serpentine Dam - New Playground on Facebook Share Serpentine Dam - New Playground on Twitter Share Serpentine Dam - New Playground on Linkedin Email Serpentine Dam - New Playground linkVisitors to the popular Serpentine Dam can now enjoy a brand-new, nature-themed playground and upgraded facilities!Thanks to a $2.5 million upgrade by Water Corporation, this popular recreation area just got even better. The playground, inspired by the surrounding environment, is the centrepiece of the project.Plan your visit today -
Visual Supports in Early Childhood
Share Visual Supports in Early Childhood on Facebook Share Visual Supports in Early Childhood on Twitter Share Visual Supports in Early Childhood on Linkedin Email Visual Supports in Early Childhood linkWanslea are facilitating an online workshop about using visual supports in early childhood environments
Wednesday 31 July 2024
Time: 10:00am until 11am
The session will be delivered by Wanslea's Community Engagement Facilitator and one of their Speech Pathologists and is an opportunity for Wanslea to introduce a new resource that is available to community about how to use visual supports to foster inclusion in early childhood environments.
The session will showcase the resource and cover the below:
What are Visual Supports
- Different types of Visual Supports
- Who benefits from Visual Supports
- Why use Visual Supports in early childhood settings
- How to use Visual Supports
- Examples of ways to incorporate Visual Supports into early childhood settings
- Resources for getting started
The session is suitable for staff coordinating and delivering early childhood playgroups, early childhood library activities, school holiday activities, local governments, or any organisation delivering other groups, activities, or programs to young children and families.
To register for the session, please scan the QR code on the attached flyer, or register via this link.
Blind AFL - It's here
Share Blind AFL - It's here on Facebook Share Blind AFL - It's here on Twitter Share Blind AFL - It's here on Linkedin Email Blind AFL - It's here linkBlind Sports WA and Kelmscott Football Club wish to introduce a blind AFL program at the City of Armadale Arena.
You don't have to be Blind or Living with a Disability to participate or be part of the Program.
“Blind AFL” is an inclusive form of AFL that is accessible to people of all ages and abilities, including people living with disabilities.
Partnering with local All Abilities Football Club, Kelmscott Football Club, the program delivers opportunity for people who find difficulty in playing the traditional grass outdoor sport. Parents, support and family are encouraged to join participants with inclusive sporting aids to play all together.
The program is run out of City of Armadale’s Arena on Saturday afternoons across 8 sessions. Junior and Senior AFL Aspiring Participants are welcome to join. The Sessions involve specialist coaching from our Blind AFL Coaches, skill building and training followed by a game of Blind AFL.
Partnering with the Kelmscott Football Club All Abilities Program we provide support and encourage opportunity for participants to join in with the club's community and club activities, like all other members.
We are seeking Participants, Volunteers, and Program Partners
22nd Launch - Try Session 0
6th July Session 1
20 July Session 2
3 August Session 3
10th August Session 4
24th August Session 5 Match Play
31st August Session 6 Match Play
7th September Session 7 Match Play
21st September Session 8 Final & Award Presentation
More Information:
Contact Ben Rowe 0407 446 576 Contact Robert Turner 0409 922 923
National Carer Survey - Now Open
Share National Carer Survey - Now Open on Facebook Share National Carer Survey - Now Open on Twitter Share National Carer Survey - Now Open on Linkedin Email National Carer Survey - Now Open link2024 National Carer Survey – Participation Requested
One of the most valuable resources and significant tools we have in advocating for carers is the National Carer Survey. Conducted once every two years, this survey offers a platform for carers across Australia to share their experiences and perspectives and influence systemic policy change at the highest level.
We need as many carers, from as many different backgrounds from across WA to be represented in this survey. As one of our partnering organisations, your input is critical in helping us spread the word and allowing all carers the opportunity to respond.
Why should carers respond? The National Carer Survey provides a platform for carers' voices to be heard by decision-makers. The results have been and continue to be instrumental in policy submissions, government reports, conference presentations, and academic publications. By responding to the survey, carers are contributing to the broader understanding and recognition of carer experiences and needs.
How can carers respond? The 2024 National Carer Survey can be accessed online at using a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Alternatively, paper copies of the survey are also available and can be requested via phone call at 02 9280 4744.
Thank you for your continued support and participation. Together, we can work towards a better future for all carers.
ADHD and Women
Share ADHD and Women on Facebook Share ADHD and Women on Twitter Share ADHD and Women on Linkedin Email ADHD and Women linkWorkshop Series
Women with ADHD are often underdiagnosed and face unique challenges in managing their complex lives. Our group offers women-focused support, education, and understanding. Our three-part psychoeducation group, "ADHD & Women," designed specifically for adult women with a personal interest in ADHD. All sessions offer a supportive environment to enhance understanding, education, and peer support. ADHD diagnosis not required to attend. Gain valuable insights and build connections with other like-minded women on a similar journey.
Target Members: Women with an interest in ADHD, no diagnosis required to attend.
Purpose: Understanding and managing ADHD as a woman
Dates: June 11th - 25th
Time: 9.30am - 11.30am
Location: Women's Health & Wellbeing Services. Suite 7, Level 1 Gosnells Community Lotteries House, 2232c Albany Highway Gosnells
Cost: $75 concession /$120 non concession
- Week 1: ADHD-Managing feelings and thriving
- Week 2: Individual differences
- Week 3: Helpful tools and new research (a look at reliable SM, productivity stacks, groups apps, etc)
What to expect:
- Peer support and idea-sharing
- Evidence-based ADHD psychoeducation
- Increased self-awareness
Serena discovered a few years ago that she has lived with ADHD for over half a century.
She was halfway through a Master of Counselling at the time and her research focus became centred on ADHD, particularly in girls and women.
As is common with people who have ADHD, Serena is creative (global thinker), open (oversharer), and across the latest research on ADHD/women (hyperfocuses like a boss).
She specialises in women’s emotional wellbeing and has more ‘lived experience’ than is necessary.
Please join us at WHWS for a six-week group therapy program designed for women.
This supportive and empowering group experience is tailored to help you navigate life’s challenges with more resilience and self-awareness.
Whether you’re dealing with stress, life transitions, or emotional upheaval, you can count on a supportive environment to explore and grow.PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: Each week, we focus on various aspects of emotional health, from understanding your emotions and managing stress to building self-esteem and improving interpersonal relationships.
Week 1: Understanding ADHD in Women Know your ADHD, especially how symptoms present uniquely. Discuss common misconceptions, the problem of late/misdiagnosis, and the impact of hormonal changes on ADHD symptoms.
Week 2: Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion Explore the emotional and psychological impacts of living with ADHD. Exercises in self-compassion to help manage feelings of frustration, guilt, or inadequacy that usually accompany ADHD.
Week 3: Organisation and Finding Time Address practical challenges like organisation and time management. Introduce tools and strategies specifically tailored for ADHD, such as time-blocking, prioritisation techniques, and clutter control.
Week 4: Strengthening your Strengths Focus and Reducing Distractions: Techniques may include mindfulness practices, making your environment more friendly, and implementing workarounds.
Week 5: Building Resilient Relationships Examine the impact and offer strategies for communication that foster understanding and patience. Role-play scenarios to practice new skills in real-time.
Week 6: Embracing Change and Planning for the Future Encourage forward thinking and goal setting that align with personal values and aspirations. Discuss how to implement long-term changes that build your network and support growth.Connect with other women who share similar experiences in a confidential and supportive setting, empowering each other to move forward with confidence. Attendance is required at all sessions, and this is a small, closed group.
Date: Thursday 1st of August – Thursday 4th of September (6 Sessions)
Time: 5.45 pm – 7.45 pm ( inc. 15 min break)
Where: Women’s Health & Wellbeing Services. Suite 7, Level 1 Gosnells Community Lotteries House, 2232c Albany Highway GosnellsBENEFITS FOR ATTENDEES
- Gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and you
- Develop interpersonal and practical skills and strategies
- Cultivate self-compassion
- Improve communication (with yourself and others)
- Connect with your tribe
- Explore your amazing mind
- Set realistic goals aligned to your values
- Access guidance share wisdom
- Build a personal toolkit for coping
YOUR FACILTATOR Serena is a counsellor who has a special interest in women with ADHD. She has a Master of Counselling from the University of Notre Dame and personal ADHD experience (herself and family). Serena prioritises authentic connection, always going that little bit deeper, and compassionate understanding of the ups, downs, and drama of being a neurodivergent woman.
WHO IS THIS FOR? This event is open to women interested in understanding ADHD. Let’s come together to celebrate the strength and resilience of women with ADHD, empowering each other to thrive in all aspects of life.
Please contact us on 94902258 if you have any questions.
Click to book ; ADHD in Women Workshop Series (
FAQs - Access and Inclusion in the Shire
Key Dates
Who's Listening
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale