Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group (KPSRG) – Expressions of Interest open for community representatives

Help shape the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct and nominate for one of four community positions on the Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group (KPSRG).
The KPSRG will support, assist and advise the Shire with matters relating to the planning and design of the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct.
The Shire is seeking to appoint four community representatives to assist us achieve the objectives for the Precinct as stated in the Keirnan Park Recreation Precinct Master Plan.
The group will meet quarterly or as required and meetings will be held at the Civic Centre, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong.
Enquiries to Project Support Officer, Kiriana Barclay, on (08) 9526 1517.
How to apply?
Additional information, Nomination Form and Terms of Reference can be found on the Shire’s website
Nominations can be submitted by the following ways:
- Online via
- Emailing your application to
- By mail to Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong 6123.
Nominations close 5pm Monday, 24 January 2022.