Draft Byford Town Centre Civic Site Master Plan

    What is the Byford Town Centre Civic Purpose Site?

    The Byford Civic Purpose Site is land within the Byford Town Centre that has been put aside by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale to house community uses in the future. This site is approximately 7,000 sqm and is located north of Blackburn Avenue and south of the future Metronet station adjacent to the existing railway.    

    What is the vision for the Byford Town Centre Civic Purpose site?

    The following preliminary vision has been established for the Byford Town Centre Civic Purpose site:

    The location of Byford in the foothills, transitions between the hills and the swan river plain, reflecting the dynamic nature of the town. Similarly the civic site sits between the old and the new town and provides a nucleus for a growing town centre to build upon.  The library, splash park and Health Hub will be a space for the existing and emerging communities to blend and coalesce. 

    The civic site will be Byford’s meeting place, anchored in a natural setting, reflecting Byford's history and growing community.  This will be a place to learn and share knowledge, relax and play, heal and restore.  

    How does the Civic Purpose Site fit in with the ‘Byford Town Centre’ Structure Plan?

    The Byford Town Centre structure plan is a statutory document that covers the broader Byford Town Centre. This structure plan outlines the streets, zones, public reserves and general use of the Byford Town Centre.  A community purpose reserve was identified within the structure plan, and is the Civic Purpose Site.  This public purpose reserve provides opportunity for a thriving civic presence in the Town Centre, where community comes together and various community needs can be met.  This Civic Purpose Site is to be kept under the ownership of the Shire and can only be used for community purposes.    

    What is the intended use of the Civic Purpose Site?

    The Civic Purpose Site is zoned for civic purpose and can accommodate a range of community focused uses.   Specifically, the Civic Purpose Site has been earmarked by the Shire for:

    • a Health Hub  
    • a future Library; and 
    • a Community Splash Park.   

    This site will also serve as a connection between the future Byford Station and the retail uses on Pioneer Road.

    Does the Civic Purpose site impact the Metronet station?

    Although they are located next to each other, the civic purpose site and METRONET station are separate projects.  However, there is a link between them in terms of land use as the civic purpose site will provide services to the wider community who may access Byford via bus or rail.  The library, health hub and splash park will also benefit commuters, who can access these services as part of their daily routine.    

    How will the Civic Purpose Site impact local residents?

    The Civic Purpose Site will provide additional services to residents, reducing the need for travel and increase the amenity of Byford town centre.  A health hub on site will house a range of consulting rooms that will offer health services to the local community. The health hub is due for completion before 2025.  The future lifelong learning centre/library, which is a longer term project due to be built by 2034, provides a centrally accessed community facility that will double as a community gathering space. This will offer a community touchpoint for the shire and will accommodate a range of uses.   The Splash Park will be a local attractor offering active play and relief for residents and visitors alike. The Splash Park is still awaiting further funding, to enable its delivery

    What is the planning process and what timeframe is intended for development of the Civic Purpose Plan?

    The Civic Purpose Site is has had a concept master plan prepared, to test out building size and arrangement and establish design principles and parameters. This master planning concept is being shared to inform the broader community on the future use of the site.

    We anticipate the health hub component of the site to be complete before 2025. The library component is longer term, being contemplated by 2034. The splash park is still being considered, with further funding being sought to consider when it can be delivered for the community.

    How can I provide feedback or ask questions on the Byford Town Centre Civic Purpose Site?

    The draft Byford Town Centre Civic Site Master Plan is open for public comment. Information on making a submission or providing feedback is available on this webpage.

Byford Activity Centre Forum

    Why is the Shire consulting with us again regarding the Byford Town Centre?

    The Shire knows how important it is for businesses, residents and organisations who interact in the town centre of Byford to understand what is happening and are able to get the necessary information that they need to make informed decisions about the development of this activity centre.  

    The town centre has changed in the past few years, adding new businesses, roads and infrastructure and will change even more significantly in the following years as various state and local infrastructure projects are delivered.  To achieve the community’s vision for a vibrant and integrated Byford Town Centre, we need your feedback to help shape our conversations with key State and Commonwealth Government stakeholders and private landowners and developers.

    Who is responsible for the infrastructure to be provided?

    • Byford Metronet Train Station and associated station plaza – State government
    • Nature Playground and Water Splash park – Local government
    • Expansion to Byford Secondary College – State government
    • Expansion to Salvado Catholic College – Catholic education department
    • Byford Health Hub – State government
    • Byford Library and Multiagency Building (2027 onwards) – Local government

    What new plans are there?

    This engagement is not about any new plans as such. The Shire wants to engage with residents to ensure that the thoughts and feelings of the community is taken into consideration when the projects are delivered.   The feedback from the survey will be used to provide input into the projects as they progress and gauge the understanding of the projects by the community.  

    Is there someone at the Shire who can explain what the plans are and how they may affect me?

    You are welcome to ask questions through this webpage by using the "Ask a question" tab.   

    If there are questions that we think are relevant to a number of stakeholders these will be included in the Frequently Asked Questions. 

    You can also call the Shire's Strategic Planning Team on 9526 1111 and a team member will be able to assist you with your questions or queries.  Please note that some many of the projects planned for the Byford Town Centre will be provided by the State Government agencies, and detailed information is available through their websites.  These include:

    Is this survey the last opportunity for me to have my say?

    No, this process of engagement will continue as the main infrastructure projects are designed and delivered over the coming years.  The Shire  would like your feedback on these projects and will continue to engage with businesses and residents to ensure that these state delivered initiatives are understood and that they the are designed to accommodate the needs of the community of Byford. We would encourage you to provide your contact details at the end of the survey as this allows us to contact you as the projects progress, to provide feedback, and to tell you about other opportunities to get involved.

    Will the outcomes of the survey be presented to Council?

    Yes, the feedback received from the survey will be presented to Council through a report to an Ordinary Council Meeting, anticipated to be towards the end on the 2021.

    Why do I have to register to answer the survey?

    To submit the survey, you can register on the Your Say SJ website, or provide a screen name. There is an opportunity for you to opt in for project updates at the end of the survey, which will allow us to give you feedback on the projects you want to hear about as they progress, when the information is made available and how the projects fit into the overall picture.