People with Disabilities WA host : Community Disability Advocacy Project

The Community Disability Advocacy Project is seeking to identify opportunities for community driven solutions to local issues affecting people living with disabilities that promotes their right to self-determination, autonomy, and choice.
Community Disability Advocates from People With disabilities WA (PWdWA), Advocacy WA, and Sussex Street Community Law Service are seeking people living with disabilities, family members, carers as well as local government and non-government representatives to design a model for how communities can come together to solve local issues impacting people with disabilities.
To express your interest in being involved in the co-design process, please complete the survey by clicking here. Please note, some of the application questions below ask about your personal lived experience. The information you provide will be kept confidential.
People who will be able to access your responses include: The Community Disability Advocates and the Chief Executive Officers at PWdWA, and Advocacy WA for the purposes of assessing the applications and appointing co-design participants.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chris Chambers (Community Disability Advocate) at PWdWA on 9420 7279 or by email to
If you would like to complete the form over the phone, please contact Chris or Vanessa on 9420 7279.